All members of staff are responsible for promoting the highest possible standards of behaviour at Skyswood. This allows our School to be an orderly place where everyone can focus on teaching and learning within a happy, secure and caring environment.
We encourage the children to care for themselves and each other, and to respect other people’s property and their own. The emphasis within the school is on self-discipline and children are quick to develop an understanding of the reasons that underpin school rules and our high expectations of behaviour. These rules (the Skyswood Code of Conduct) are based on consideration, courtesy and safety. OFSTED stated in their last inspection (October 2009) that personal development and well being was ‘outstanding’ and that pupils make ‘an outstanding contribution to their community.’ The OFSTED report highlighted that ‘behaviour is exemplary. Pupils outstanding self discipline and good manners result from a close liaison between the school and parents.’
Praise and encouragement for good behaviour play a major part in our work with the children. Children enjoy the opportunity to share their work amongst the class, within the school and with the Headteacher, who also holds a ‘tea-party’ every week where children share work that they are particularly proud of. Each week a ‘lottery’ is drawn in the Monday assembly and the child who holds the ‘register’ number that is drawn out is invited to attend the tea party on a Friday afternoon. EVERY child will be invited to attend the Headteacher’s tea-party on one occasion over the course of the year.
There is also an award for ‘The Golden Dustpan and Brush!’ This award is given on a weekly basis for the class that has taken most pride in its class environment. This could be related to the room being well organised and tidy, or it could be that there is a lovely new display that has been put up in the classroom, or it could be for the practical and efficient way that a class has organised itself during those activities that are potentially a bit messier or noisier, such as art, design/technology or drama. The class that wins the award are taken for a special playtime by the Headteacher on a Friday afternoon.
Unacceptable behaviour is discouraged and children who misbehave may be deprived of a privilege, e.g. playtime. If there are any behavioural issues we work closely with the children, and where necessary the parents, to find a positive resolution. The support of parents is very important to help us uphold the discipline of the school. In cases of extreme or serious misconduct, the Head Teacher has the authority to exclude a child from the school.
Skyswood School Code of Conduct
We have developed a Code of Conduct that pupils are expected to follow for the well-being of our school community:
We treat other people as we would like to be treated.
We never use words which might hurt other people.
We don’t say hurtful things about people’s race, gender or disability.
Everyone should have a chance to join in the things we do.
We don’t upset or frighten people by our actions.
We don’t draw or write anything which would upset other people.
We always take care of our School, our own and other people’s belongings, and all living things.
House Points
All children belong to one of four Houses and receive house points for good behaviour, being helpful or working particularly hard. Every week, a trophy is awarded to the winning House. On Sports Day, the children compete to win points for their Houses, and the winning House is awarded a trophy.
At Skyswood we have a House Point system. The school is split into four teams; these are Balmoral, Buckingham, Sandringham and Windsor. The children are awarded house points when they do some good work or a good deed around the school; The house points can only be awarded by a member of staff. Each house has two House Captains from Year 6. The points are added up on Thursday and are announced on Friday in assembly. The winning team’s House Captains receive a certificate and trophy, which is kept in the Library.