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Skyswood Primary & Nursery School

Address Chandlers Road, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9RS | 01727 854164 | E-mail Us

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Nursery Day

Our session times are:

Morning: 9 am – 12 noon (Doors open from 8.50am)

Lunch Club: 12 noon – 1 pm  (optional) (fee payable)

If families wish to use it, we offer a Lunch Club (fee payable). During this time the children are supervised by staff specifically trained and employed for Lunch Club.

Our nursery has its own entrance and enclosed play area but also enjoys wider access to the school building. During the course of a week, our Nursery class will use the main school facilities for their timetabled sessions of PE and Music. They will also enjoy interacting with our Reception class children and staff to share special events such as a Christmas performance, fundraising activities, visits from local police/fire officers etc… This direct link to the wider school environment particularly supports the children with their transition into Reception class.

The main learning room is organised into distinct learning areas and equipment is arranged, labelled and displayed so that the children may learn to make choices, use the materials efficiently and replace them independently, encouraging skills that will see them well prepared for their step into primary education.


All children in our Early Years are assigned a Key Worker (a key person who is responsible for the care of your child).  This role also enables positive relationships to be built between home and school as they act as the main point of contact for yourselves and your child.


We follow a predictable daily routine which helps the children’s growing awareness of time and sequence as well as providing security; i.e. ‘Mummy will be here after the story.’ Staff may adapt their routines from time to time on special occasions but the routine generally includes the following: Welcome / Busy Fingers, Small Group Time, Planning Time, Child Initiated Learning including Snack Time, Phonics & Story Time and Whole Class Time.

Welcome / Busy Fingers: Children are welcomed in the morning for self-registration in their key worker groups (we have three groups: red, blue and green), with each child belonging to one of these groups. Welcome time activities also include busy fingers where children have the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills, in addition to number and finger rhymes. Children will be encouraged to discuss and share news with each other. 

Small Group Time: This is where the children participate in curriculum-based activities. The teaching staff plan a wide range of activities, exposing the children to new ideas and concepts, e.g. cooking, gardening and special annual festivals such as Christmas, Diwali and Bonfire Night.  Small group time is an important time for staff to observe and assess children’s needs, encouraging them to meet their next steps. 

Planning Time: Teaching staff meet with their colour group, to talk about what each child would like to do and how he / she will go about achieving this during Child Initiated Learning.

Child Initiated Learning (CIL): CIL is the longest single period in the daily routine. During this time children carry out their original plan and can extend themselves further by exploring other new activities. The children are free to learn in all areas of the classroom and the outdoor area too. Teaching staff observe the children and seek ways to support and extend them during their CIL. 

Snack Time: In the Nursery, there is a rolling snack which enables the children to choose when they are ready for their snack during CIL time.  Staff model to the children how to prepare for snack when they first enter Nursery with the aim of developing the level of independence required to make the necessary choices, e.g. wash hands before eating.  Snack Time gives the staff and children opportunities to develop social skills; share, take turns and show consideration for others. Milk is provided free of charge but non-milk drinkers may bring a carton of juice or have water. The national fruit and vegetable scheme, started in November 2004, provides a piece of fruit / vegetable daily for children aged 4 – 7. We’ve found this encourages children to be adventurous with their food choices.

Phonics & Story Time: Children are exposed to daily phonics sessions to promote the development of the children’s language.  Teaching staff ensure the focused daily speaking and listening activities are well-matched to the children’s developing abilities and interests. Over the year story time offers the children a wide range of good quality, developmentally appropriate stories, in various forms, such as books and storytelling tapes.  Children are encouraged to recite known stories and use props/ puppets to re-enact.  

Whole Class Time: Whole class time gives children the opportunity to be part of a larger group where all the nursery children are involved at the same time.  This may involve singing songs and rhymes with plenty of actions too.  On a Friday we celebrate our successes of the week with the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher during a Nursery Celebration Assembly.

Please ask a member of staff if you would like any further information on the daily routine in Nursery.

Ambition Education Trust

Our Trust comprises of 10 schools situated in Hertfordshire across St Albans, Welwyn Garden City and Hemel Hempstead. We comprise of three primary, one infants, one junior and five secondary schools, with over 800 staff delivering high quality education to 7500 young people aged from 3 to 18. This is a huge privilege, as we strive in our aim of Educational Excellence for All.

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