Charging & Fees
The Governing Body of the school has adopted the model Charging and Remission policy of the Local Education Authority. This is fully available on our website within the POLICIES section.
The Governing Body will charge for optional extras at full cost. Remission will be on the same basis as the policy of the LEA
In charging for optional extras which take the form of residential visits the cost of board and lodging will be excluded where parents are in receipt of income support or family credit
The Governing Body will meet the cost of music examinations where charges would be permitted but where the cost of the lessons has been remitted. (This latter provision is to prevent pupils undertaking lessons leading to an examination but being prevented from taking the examination on grounds of hardship alone)
No charges will be made for ingredients or materials for products in food technology (cookery)
Note ‘optional extra’ means an activity arranged outside school hours (including midday breaks) unless these activities are:
Required as part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination
Provided specifically to fulfil duties relating to the National Curriculum
Provided specifically to fulfil statutory duties relating to religious education
The Governing Body retains the option to remit in full or part charges where there are cases of family hardship which make it difficult for pupils to take part in particular activities for which a charge is made. Authorisation of such remission will be made by the Head Teacher in consultation with the Chairman of Governors.