At Skyswood Primary and Nursery School we aim to provide children with a high-quality geography education that inspires a curiosity in the world around them that will remain with them throughout their future education and for the rest of their lives. Geography is fundamental in enabling children to develop a coherent understanding of the world in which they live. Through teaching children about location and place knowledge, about key human and physical geographical features of the world, alongside geographical skills and fieldwork, we embed a deeper understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As children progress the school, they gain knowledge of the world around them. Their progressive knowledge deepens their understanding of human and physical geography. Children are provided with a wide range of opportunities to explore, apply and develop their geographical skills through investigative fieldwork and collaborative first-hand experiences.
We thought about the best routes to The Quadrant and found out about some of the different shops in our area
(Olivia -Skyswood pupil)
Our Geography curriculum builds upon the children’s early years’ experiences and is taught in Key Stages 1 and 2 through half-termly topic-based units throughout the year. Children build a progressive level of locational knowledge and place knowledge, developing a deeper understanding of human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork. Existing knowledge is assessed at the beginning of each unit and key questions, knowledge and subject specific vocabulary is identified through planning and within the children’s knowledge organisers for geography. Fieldwork is a key strength within our Geography curriculum, from map-making and exploring the local area in Key Stage 1, to river studies and a residential trip to Snowdonia in Key Stage 2.
Our trip to Snowdonia was amazing. I challenged myself with gorge scrambling, but my favourite day was when we walked up the Miner’s Track
(Zidan - Skyswood pupil)
Our children develop a passion, curiosity and fascination for finding out about the world around them. As they progress through the school they develop a deeper understanding of geography as a subject. Children retain and extend their learning of skills and knowledge in geography, consolidating prior learning at the start of each topic as a platform for new learning. By the time pupils leave Skyswood Primary School they have an excellent geographical knowledge, use and interpret maps with confidence and clarity, and have a clear understanding of how human and physical environments are interrelated.
I love geography because I love learning about the world
(Charlie W - Skyswood pupil)
Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs
Providing all of our children with the opportunity to share their enjoyment and understanding of geography is at the heart of all learning in Geography. At Skyswood, we tailor our delivery to the individual child’s needs to allow them to demonstrate their understanding in multiple ways, and therefore access as much of the curriculum as possible. Children who have special educational needs are encouraged to join in with class learning and follow the same curriculum, wherever possible at same pace. The practical nature of the subject and strong emphasis on field studies ensures a purposeful and accessible curriculum for all of our children.
National Curriculum: Programmes of Study