At Skyswood Primary and Nursery School we provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all pupils and sets them up with the necessary skills and knowledge for future success. We ensure sustained levels of challenge through varied and high-quality mathematical activities, with a focus on number fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving. A wide range of mathematical resources are used to ensure practical, concrete and relevant mathematical experiences. Pupils are encouraged to explain their choice of methods and reflect critically on their learning, building a progressive range of reasoning skills. Our children become resilient learners through our growth mind set approach. We aim to develop a love for learning for all children and have high expectations of all pupils in terms of their mathematical potential.
Our Calculation Policy clarifies progression and expectations in calculation with examples that are ‘mathematically transparent’, where process and strategy are central to the child’s understanding. We recognise the importance of children applying their learning to real life situations and the importance of children making relevant links and connections within their learning. We believe that building links between intuitive mental methods (number sense) and written methods of calculation is crucial to each child’s mathematical development.
Maths is my favourite subject, there was a light bulb moment when I suddenly realised that I could work out equivalent fractions!
(Bella - Skyswood pupil))
With this intent in mind, we aim to create a climate, whereby every child is a reader. Through daily phonics sessions, children learn to decode through the ‘Read, Write, Inc.’ Phonics programme. At every opportunity, children are encouraged to apply their phonics skills in the classroom. Reading takes place in a variety of forms throughout the school. When children first begin at Skyswood in Reception, their learning of phonics is supported through a home/school reading scheme which reflects the sounds that they have learnt in RWI sessions so far. We offer supplementary books which are book-banded to offer additional exposure to genres and high frequency words. In addition, Guided Reading takes place regularly throughout the school, ranging from small group sessions in Years 1-2, to whole class sessions in Years 3-6. These whole class sessions allow lower attaining children to encounter more challenging texts that they wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to, but they still receive interventions which cater for their individual learning needs for reading, which may focus more on decoding or fluency. Teachers base their planning for all guided reading sessions on the Herts for Learning (HfL) Reading Planning Platforms and pupil attainment is assessed through the HfL Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAFs). The school has a well-stocked library which aims to provide books from a wide range of sources, providing alternative perspectives, including voices from people of colour and experiences from different cultures. A positive writing climate is established at Skyswood, whereby everyone is seen as a writer (pupils, teachers, teaching assistants and learning support assistants). Writing is taught through the use of a quality texts, using the Herts Essentials Writing materials, which expose the children to inference, high-level vocabulary and a range of grammar and punctuation.
I love Times Tables Rock Stars and number talks, it’s really helped my confidence in maths
(Hugo - Skyswood pupil)
At Skyswood we strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and excellent standards. We aspire for all children to have achieved at least Age-Related Expectations (ARE) for their year group, and through daily opportunities for extension and challenge, aim for a high proportion to exceed. Termly Pupil Progress Meetings identify where children do not reach this expectation or do not make the expected progress; appropriate support and interventions are then put into place to address barriers in learning and accelerate progress.
Through the implementation of ‘Whole Class Guided Reading’ in Y4 & Upper KS2, smaller ability groups in KS1 & Y3, along with ‘Talk for Writing’ routines, the impact on the children here at Skyswood is clear. The vast majority of children make good to outstanding progress from their respective starting points.
Children develop their confidence as readers and writers, becoming familiar with a variety of genres, whilst applying and consolidating their grammar, punctuation and spelling skills. Through ‘Talk for Writing’ sessions, children have become more creative, crafting their writing and their manipulation of grammar and punctuation skills. All aspects of English are transferable to other subjects across the curriculum, providing a deeper level of consolidation and understanding.
I didn’t find maths easy, but teachers really helped me when I was stuck and it’s now one of my favourite subjects
(James - Skyswood pupil)
Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs
To ensure all children can achieve their full potential, children requiring additional support are identified during pupil progress meetings. We ensure children requiring support are scaffolded up in order to access the task and all children are challenged appropriately in order to extend their learning. We use a range of strategies and address needs primarily through quality-first teaching, but provide appropriate interventions for pupils who require additional consolidation or have special educational needs.
Addition VideosNational Curriculum: Mathematics Programme of Study