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Skyswood Primary & Nursery School

Address Chandlers Road, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9RS | 01727 854164 | E-mail Us

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Religious Education


At Skyswood, we aim to provide children with a curriculum where they will learn from and about religion and diversity, enabling our children to develop a greater understanding of the world around them. Our curriculum ensures that, by the end of Year 6, our children will have learnt about the six major world religions and other world views, We aim to prepare children for life in a multicultural and diverse world. We encourage children to ask questions and to think carefully, curiously and deeply about questions that may not have an answer, or where people may have a difference of opinion. The design of our R.E. curriculum ensures that children are regularly exploring the different beliefs and practices of one religion alongside at least one other, comparing similarities and not just differences, and developing empathy and acceptance of each faith, or non-faith. The religion and worldviews approach ensure that our curriculum is relevant and accessible to all pupils, regardless of their faith or non-faith. It contributes positively and significantly to a whole-school approach to anti-racist education.


A place where kindness and respect flourish. Skyswood is a magical place where we celebrate diversity and care about each other, regardless of our differences

(Arth - Skyswood pupil)


We have developed our Religious Education curriculum based on the eight key areas of learning within the agreed framework of the Herts for Learning syllabus (2023-2028). These themes permeate each key stage. Children learn through a model where they identify the key questions and learning points, explore these questions further, contextualise their learning, and ultimately apply their learning to deeper questions. The curriculum is enriched through a wide range of visits and visitors who share their own experiences and faiths, along with presentations from children and families within our own school community. Our themed approach to Religious Education and identified focus on key festivals is further enriched through school assemblies and whole school celebrations of religious festivals.

I find it interesting when we learn about different faiths and religious festivals

(Sophie - Skyswood pupil)


Our Religious Education curriculum enables our children to fully engage with others in a multi-cultural and ever-changing world, where individuals and communities may differ, but ultimately aim to live together in harmony, showing tolerance and respect for one another. The curriculum ensures that our children are well informed and are able to learn in a safe, non-bias learning environment. Children are able to openly express their own views and beliefs whilst feeling empowered to develop these as they grow. It is our aim that children leave Year 6 with a strong understanding of the values that contribute towards positive and inclusive communities and a strong knowledge of the six major world faiths, along with an understanding and acceptance that many people make positive contributions to our communities and society whilst not necessarily following a particular faith.

I enjoyed the opportunity to talk to our class about the Menorah and Judaism

(Johanna - Skyswood pupil)

Withdrawal from Religious Education

All parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE teaching. (1944 Act, re-enacted in the 1988 Act). Parents are not obliged to state their reasons for seeking withdrawal. However, we encourage parents with any concerns about the teaching of RE at Skyswood Primary & Nursery School to discuss their views with the Headteacher before requesting their child be withdrawn. It is also recognised that teachers have the right to refuse to teach RE. This is something that the individual teacher concerned would need to discuss with the RE subject leader, the Headteacher and our Local Governing Board.

Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Our RE curriculum is fully inclusive and accessible to all children regardless of their faith or individual needs. Staff have high expectations of all children and adapt the learning appropriately to ensure that all children feel confident to share their views and respect the views of others. The children will have opportunities to enrich their learning through school visits and the celebration of religious festivals linked to all six of the major world faiths.


RE Long Term Overview

RE Skills and Knowledge Progression

Progression across the Key Stages


Ambition Education Trust

Our Trust comprises of 10 schools situated in Hertfordshire across St Albans, Welwyn Garden City and Hemel Hempstead. We comprise of three primary, one infants, one junior and five secondary schools, with over 800 staff delivering high quality education to 7500 young people aged from 3 to 18. This is a huge privilege, as we strive in our aim of Educational Excellence for All.

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