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Skyswood Primary & Nursery School

Address Chandlers Road, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9RS | 01727 854164 | E-mail Us

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We have a high academic, vocational and technical ambition for all pupils to develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through a variety of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. Our curriculum identifies clear end-points for each key phase and specifies what pupils need to know in order to reach those end-points. Our children are equipped with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. We understand that it is important for lessons to have a skills-based focus, and that the knowledge can be taught through this. We encourage children to be inquisitive throughout their time at school and beyond. The science curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity in children about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living things. We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes.

Science 1

Sometimes there are more questions than answers in science but I always enjoy our scientific investigations

(Maxwell - Skyswood pupil)


Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of science involves a cycle of lessons for each subject, which carefully plans for progression and depth. Through our planning, we involve problem solving opportunities that allow children to find out for themselves. Children are encouraged to ask their own questions and are given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to explore possibilities. This curiosity is celebrated within the classroom and helps children embed key concepts into their long-term memory and then apply them fluently. We build upon the learning and skill development of the previous years. As the children’s knowledge and understanding increases, and they become more proficient in selecting, using scientific equipment, collating and interpreting results, they become increasingly confident in their ability to come to conclusions based on real evidence. Working Scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure that key skills are progressively developed as children move up through the school.

We all make mistakes but we keep trying and never give up no matter how long the journey and no matter how hard it is

(Marley - Skyswood pupil)


Our Science Curriculum is carefully considered, well taught and builds on progression of skills and knowledge. Working Scientifically skills progress throughout the key-stages. Clear end-points have been established for skills progression and knowledge. All children should be able to acquire the knowledge that they need to succeed. Our core values of curiosity and resilience come to the fore within our science curriculum, which inspires children’s natural curiosity, promotes a growth mindset and sets children up with the confidence, skills and knowledge to succeed in science as they move into Key Stage 3 and beyond.

I love the fun experiments and intriguing scientific facts that we learn at Skyswood

(Shraddha - Skyswood pupil)

Supporting Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Our science curriculum is fully inclusive and adapted as necessary to support children with special educational needs. Teachers take account of previous experience and knowledge at the beginning of each unit of study, identifying any gaps in knowledge or understanding and supporting all children to progress at the appropriate pace. We have high expectations of all children and the structure of our curriculum enables all children to develop their skills of working scientifically and succeed in science.


Science Skills and Knowledge Progression

Science EYFS


Ambition Education Trust

Our Trust comprises of 10 schools situated in Hertfordshire across St Albans, Welwyn Garden City and Hemel Hempstead. We comprise of three primary, one infants, one junior and five secondary schools, with over 800 staff delivering high quality education to 7500 young people aged from 3 to 18. This is a huge privilege, as we strive in our aim of Educational Excellence for All.

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