Netball Rally Report
Our netball team performed superbly on Saturday in the Annual St Albans Schools Netball Rally. Unlike previous years, the rally is no longer divided into small schools and large schools, but is organised through a seeded system. Skyswood had an incredibly successful start to their season and came top of their small schools' league in the autumn term, gaining them promotion to League 1, a much stronger league comprising mainly schools with two or three forms of entry. This meant that they were placed in a tournament alongside the premiership and League 1 schools, so it was the toughest competition from the outset.
The girls played extremely well and many of their matches were extremely close. They should be proud of their efforts and, as always, the girls were incredible ambassadors for our school.
Many thanks to Mrs Lewis and Mrs Ede for their fantastic coaching, and to Chloe (a former Skyswood pupil who is now in the sixth form at Sandringham and has helped out with coaching and umpiring over the course of the season.