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Skyswood Primary & Nursery School

Address Chandlers Road, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9RS | 01727 854164 | E-mail Us

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Skyswood Shine at Dance Festival!

Our Year 6 class performed superbly in last week's Oaklands ECO Dance Festival. We were one of six schools who came together for the 'Little Environmentalists' showpiece. The class created a superb dance, using the music of Katy Perry, to the theme of a recycling machine. Having worked closely with Cassi Muskett (BeaTz Dance Academy) the children showed great synchronisation and creativity within their piece. Well done to all of the class, and a big thank you to Cassi (who's choreography was amazing). The class performed a matinee as well as an evening performance on Thursday 6th March. They also performed their routine to the whole school on Friday 7th March.

Dance photo

Ambition Education Trust

Our Trust comprises of 10 schools situated in Hertfordshire across St Albans, Welwyn Garden City and Hemel Hempstead. We comprise of three primary, one infants, one junior and five secondary schools, with over 800 staff delivering high quality education to 7500 young people aged from 3 to 18. This is a huge privilege, as we strive in our aim of Educational Excellence for All.

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