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Skyswood Primary & Nursery School

Address Chandlers Road, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9RS | 01727 854164 | E-mail Us

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Stars of the Week- Week ending Friday 7th March 2024

Nursery- Ronan

For his natural curiosity and interest in trying new things out.

Reception- Maya

For her superb artwork; taking such care and showing patience and determination to complete a fabulous picture based on the story of the Big Pancake, alongside her amazing book cover design for Winnie the Witch.

Year 1 - Alicia

For her wonderful support of others, helping them with their learning and showing that our pupils can also be great teachers!

Year 2- Mia

For always being ready to learn, listening carefully during lessons and taking great pride in the presentation of her work.

Year 3- Oliver

For his natural kindness; reading social situations with great intelligence and always being the first to lend a hand or help others with their learning.

Year 4- Paige

For her superb efforts with learning her times tables; including working with Times Tables Rock Stars and making her own set of times tables flashcards at home.

Year 5- Jonas

For his excellent efforts in helping to prepare the Maths Challenge Team for their recent competition.

Year 6- James S

For his outstanding application and contribution to the Little Environmentalists dance routine that Year 6 performed at Oaklands.

Stars 7



Ambition Education Trust

Our Trust comprises of 10 schools situated in Hertfordshire across St Albans, Welwyn Garden City and Hemel Hempstead. We comprise of three primary, one infants, one junior and five secondary schools, with over 800 staff delivering high quality education to 7500 young people aged from 3 to 18. This is a huge privilege, as we strive in our aim of Educational Excellence for All.

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