Welcome Back!
Happy New Year! We have had a wonderful start to 2025 and it has been lovely to see everyone from last term and to welcome our new children who are settling beautifully.
Topics for this term
We will be following the topic of ‘Our World through Traditional Tales’ for this first half term, where we will be doing lots of activities to support the children in learning about the world and where we live. Each week we will focus on a different Traditional Tale. In addition, we will be celebrating the Lunar New Year.
After half term, we will be engaging with a new topic of ‘Our Community’, where we will be learning about things in our local area and the people who help and support us.
A weekly overview will be emailed to you every Friday to give you an insight into the learning opportunities we have planned for the upcoming week. This will enable you to support your child’s learning at home, if you wish to do so.
Observations and Evidence Me
We hope you are enjoying having access to the observations on a frequent basis. We will continue to release these on Wednesday.
Library Books
The children will continue to have the opportunity to choose a library book on a weekly basis. Each group will change their books on the following days:
· Red Group Tuesdays
· Blue Group Wednesdays
· Green Group Thursdays
Please ensure children have their library books in their book bags on their allotted day.
Children are expected to attend Nursery every day, unless otherwise agreed. If your child is unable to attend, please contact the office to let us know how long they will be absent.
Sid the Skyswood Bear
Sid the Skyswood Bear is a very popular member of the Nursery. Unfortunately, he gets very lonely during weekends, so each week he chooses someone to go home with on a Friday to spend a lovely weekend. This has proven to be very popular with the children and they thoroughly enjoy sharing their weekend adventures with their Nursery friends.
How you can help at home
· Encourage your child to be as independent as possible
· Encourage your child to remember to tidy away their toys after finishing with them
· Talk, talk, talk! Please talk to your children about what they are doing / making, modelling back talking in full sentences
· Talk about rhyming words and sing lots of Nursery rhymes
· Look for numbers and shapes in the environment
· Continue to share lots of stories and talk about what has happened in the book
· Practise putting on coats and shoes when going outside
· Encourage children to start to get themselves dressed as this is a fantastic skill to have for entry into Reception, especially for changing for P.E.
Further Information and additional reminders
· Any additional information will be communicated to you via email or slips in your child’s book bag. Please ensure you check bags on a regular basis.
· Please continue to send children to Nursery in appropriate footwear and clothing for the weather.
· We will be holding parent consultation evenings on Tuesday 4th and Thursday 6th March where we will be available to have more in-depth discussions about your child’s progress. When booking your appointment, please ensure you choose the correct day for your child’s colour group. This is relevant to Blue Group (Tuesday 4th March) and Red Group (Thursday 6th March). Please do contact us anytime though if you have any worries or concerns.
Thank you once again for all your support this year so far, we are all looking forward to a fantastic term with your children!
Kind Regards,
The Nursery Team
Mrs Jones, Mrs Orde and Mrs Wilbraham