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Skyswood Primary & Nursery School

Address Chandlers Road, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9RS | 01727 854164 | E-mail Us

We are a proud member ofAmbition Education Trust Our Trust We are a proud member ofAmbition Education Trust Our Trust
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Our Nursery offers three hours per day, 9am to 12 noon, for five days a week, Monday to Friday, free of charge.  An additional hour can be purchased through booking our Lunch Club which is also run by Skyswood Nursery staff.

On admission into Reception, children are able to access learning through their primary years until their transition into Secondary at the end of Year 6. As a small St. Albans school, we value how important it is to know every child and support them in their learning journey.  We would be happy to show you around our setting to give you a deeper insight into some of the inspiring activities the children experience.  Please telephone 01727 854164 or email admin@skyswood.aat.school for an appointment.

We understand that choosing your child’s early years setting, is possibly one of the most important and potentially emotional decisions that you will need to make during their younger years.  Building relationships from as early as possible, also provides a valuable interaction between home and school.  Staff will always strive to answer any question, no matter how small. Our early years staff are an experienced team who are passionate about high quality childcare.

We offer a wide range of opportunities for continuing professional development so our teams can continue to develop and reflect on the care and education provided for our children and their families.  We pride ourselves in creating a supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to grow.

We are proud of our most recent Ofsted report (November 2014) and feel that we have since built upon the outstanding practice that was identified within the report:

The Early Years Provision is Outstanding

Children make outstanding progress and are very well prepared for entry to Year 1. High proportions achieve a good level of development, particularly in their personal, social and emotional qualities, and in communication and mathematical skills.

The early years provision is led and managed very well by knowledgeable and creative members of staff. Excellent teamwork ensures that all children are well cared for and safe.

The quality of teaching is outstanding. Adults constantly ask questions, while at the same time noting the children’s emerging strengths and areas for further development. In such a way, they plan additional and supplementary activities and resources to motivate and engage all learners.

Daily communication with parents is highly effective. Information about what is happening in school each week is found in the children’s bespoke ‘learning journey’ folders, accessible to all parents. As a result, parents make a valuable contribution to their children’s learning at home, supporting carefully their progress.

The school makes sure that children settle quickly when they first join the Nursery or Reception classes. Parental visits to school, as well as staff visits to children’s homes, help to provide a detailed picture of each child’s abilities and interests.

All staff plan opportunities and experiences that draw carefully on children’s interests. As a consequence, almost all children are immersed in the daily activities. They happily play and learn indoors and out, with a wider range of resources at hand than at the time of the previous inspection. They take turns when role-playing patiently with one another, showing excellent behaviour and attitudes to learning.

Reception Class Applications for September 2025 – Tour dates can be found at the following link:  Reception


Further information about admissions to our nursery class can be found at the following link:  Nursery Admissions

Ambition Education Trust

Our Trust comprises of 10 schools situated in Hertfordshire across St Albans, Welwyn Garden City and Hemel Hempstead. We comprise of three primary, one infants, one junior and five secondary schools, with over 800 staff delivering high quality education to 7500 young people aged from 3 to 18. This is a huge privilege, as we strive in our aim of Educational Excellence for All.

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