Year 6
Friday 7 March 2025 Year 6 Persuasive writing - Pet Peeves Using the book 'Talking History', we have been reading persuasive speeches made by a variety of people, including Abraham Lincoln and Greta Thunberg. We analysed what makes a persuasive speech successful and discovered a large range of devices e.g. modal verbs, hyperbole, statistics, rhetorical questions and repetition. We chose a pet peeve that we would like to banish to Room 101 and wrote a speech persuading listeners of a podcast to choose it. Here are excerpts from our speeches.
Thursday 23 January 2025 Year 6 Writing - Wisp Year 6 have been reading Wisp by Zana Fraillon and Grahame Baker-Smith. We looked at:-
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Welcome back Year 6
Sunday 22 December 2024 Writing - Planetarium Year 6 have been writing non-chronological reports based on the book Planetarium, written by Raman Prinja and illustrated by Chris Wormell. We used technical words to improve accuracy, figurative language and questions to engage the reader, and subordinating conjunctions (e.g. although, since) to join facts together in sentences. We built complex sentences using commas to separate clauses. Here are excerpts (selected and typed by the children) from our final report.
Tuesday 12 November 2024 Year 6: Writing our own suspense story We have used the writing skills and techniques we used in writing our scene from Night of the Gargoyles to create our own story which involves a character waking at night to find that something unusual has happened. This included:-
Thursday 17 October 2024 Y6 Skyswood's Times Tables Rockstars!